Thursday, July 16, 2020

Welcome to our local bloggers!

Kia ora and welcome to everyone!

We have so many amazing writers in our local district and we decided that this could be an incredible opportunity to bring you all together in one place, share your stories and get ideas.

Writing can be an area that we feel is quite personal and giving and receiving feedback can be quite tricky - AND as writers, we know this is so so so important!

To help this, we will follow a process to help us to all be open to feedback and kind in the process of feedback.  We want to grow as writers AND we want this to feel like a positive part of the process.

Every week our Google Site will have information like the image below... this will have our task which will be attached to the Google Drive button.  Once you've read this and completed your writing draft AND edited it. (Great writers always revisit to edit, of course!) and then the create part is up to you.  

There's so much you can do to make the writing engaging for your blog readers.  
These ideas are found by clicking on the question marks.  
Use one of these and create your digital learning object for your blog.  
Upload this to your blog with our label and your introduction to the learning.  
Once you've done this, please visit the blogosphere and comment on at least two other bloggers writing from within your group.

I'm so excited to meet you all and can't wait to see what you create!
Let's get writing!